10 Oct 2023

Ten Tips for a Seasonal Refresh

A seasonal change to spring or autumn can be a great incentive to refresh and reenergise for a better quality of life. 

Here are 10 tips for a seasonal refresh.

#1 - Release what holds you back. 

When we release what is getting in the way, we create space for new possibilities. Resistance to change, unhelpful habits and old identities can be an anchor holding us down. 

A physical cleanup of office clutter and our home environment can bring fresh perspectives, and we might discover some hidden treasures. 

#2 - Let go of what you can’t control. 

Proactive people focus on what they can do whereas reactive people focus on things outside their control, as Stephen Covey reminds us.

We may not be able to change cultural norms or how others perceive us, yet we can influence how we respond to our unique situation and look after our needs and those closest to us.

#3 – Let others find their own way.

You may be working with less experienced colleagues or caring for a partner facing cognitive challenges. It is tempting to take over, to fill in the gaps in knowledge or conversation, and speed up the process to get things done. 

To step back and let them find their own way at their own pace frees you up for other things. 

#4 – Review your bucket list. 

Imagine how you would like your ideal life to be five years from now. What might it look like? Often it includes intrinsic rewards, like spending more time with loved ones and doing meaningful work. 

What we find on our bucket list is often influenced by extrinsic rewards, and how others view our choices. Maybe removing items from your bucket list, or changing them, will move you closer to the life you want to lead.  

#5 - Stay the course with daily habits.

We want quick fixes, yet the greatest gains come from regular daily habits. 

To change behaviour, decide what kind of person you want to be and how they would behave. In my case, by adopting a new identity as a light drinker, it was easier to move to alcohol free days.  

As James Clear explains, it can take up to six months for a desired behaviour to become a daily routine. More importantly, accept it’s okay to slip up from time to time. 

#6 - Vary your exercise routine.  

We lean towards an all or nothing approach to exercise, which is why gym memberships often flounder. Throw in a bit of variety – exercise at different times of the day, find an exercise buddy, or try a different form of activity that fits in with the seasons. 

At different life stages, our lifestyles and our bodies have changing needs and capabilities. For example, strength training and resistance building become more important as we age.

#7 – Reach out to friends and family.

We overestimate the challenges and underestimate the benefits of human connection. 

Face to face interaction is important to cultivate and maintain relationships, and for our wellbeing. Spending time together is time well-spent. Technology helps to keep distant family and friends closer.

#8 - Reconnect with the natural world.  

We are born to be part of the natural world. Return to it often to recharge your batteries. My spirits soared when a yellowhammer greeted me on my early morning walk beside a stream. 

When we slow down and reconnect with nature, our perspective shifts and we become part of a bigger world. 

#9 - Accept your darker side to grow whole. 

It is liberating to accept our faults and limitations; our darker side is part of who we are.  It is what makes us human, and better able to show compassion for others and their imperfections. 

When we embrace our broken parts, and shine a light on our inner struggles, we can accept the entirety of who we are. 

#10 – Be curious and keep learning. 

The arrival of spring or autumn is a timely reminder that things never stay the same. As we keep changing, we can continue to learn and grow. 

It’s never too late to begin again, to rediscover what delights us and reignite our sense of adventure.

A small request

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Mary Somervell

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